Centre for Research & Development
Institutional Research Monitoring Committee (IRMC)

Centre for Research & Development (CRD)

The Erode College of Pharmacy establishing the Centre for Research and development wing to improve the Institutional Research activities and produce the quality of research publication and patents from the various levels (B.Pharm, M.Pharm, Pharm.D and Ph.D.). In this regarding, CRD is constituting the Institutional Research Monitoring Committee (IRMC) to monitor the continuous progress in research projects of the students. IRMC will monitor the following programmes, B.Pharm (8th Sem) Projects, M.Pharm (3rd & 4th Sem) Projects, Pharm.D (5th Year) Projects, Ph.D. in all branches and Advanced Research support facilities (ARSF) (Consultancy services)

Institutional Research Monitoring Committee (IRMC)

Institutional Research Monitoring Committee (IRMC) is established in The Erode College of Pharmacy for the purpose of Monitoring all the level of research activities in the Institution under Centre for Research & Development. This committee framed all the rules and regulations of research activities based on requirements of the Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University, Chennai and the Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi. IRMC will monitor the research project for B.Pharm, M.Pharm, Pharm.D and Ph.D. programmes.

Institutional Research Monitoring committee (IRMC) established in this college with the following members

S.No. Name Position
1 Prof. (Dr.) R. Sambathkumar Chairman
2 Prof (Dr.) R. Natarajan Member (Pharmaceutics)
3 Dr. S. Allimalarkodi Member (Pharmaceutics)
4 Prof. (Dr.) V.S. Saravanan Member (Pharmaceutical Analysis)
5 Dr. R. Ravikumar Member (Pharmaceutical Analysis)
6 Prof. (Dr). V.R. Ravikkumar Member (Pharmacognosy)
7 Dr. S. Manokaran Member (Pharmacognosy)
8 Prof. (Dr.) V. Rajesh Member (Pharmacology)
9 Dr. G. Sumithira Member (Pharmacology)
10 Prof. (Dr.) D. Krishnakumar Member (Pharmacy Practice)
11 Dr. C. Kannan Member (Pharmacy Practice)
12 Prof. (Dr.) P. Balan Coordinator cum Member (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
13 Dr. S.P. Vinothkumar Member (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)


Quorum for the meeting - minimum 7 members.
Two IRMC meeting per semester for each program.
CRD General meeting two times per year. Circular and minutes of the meeting should be maintained.
If external Expert needed another than above, coordinator can arrange with approval from chairman.
Coordinator has to prepare the modalities for this review meetings.
Coordinator is responsible for this committee activities.